Being October, the leaves on the trees have started to turn and the weather has a sudden chill to it now. Yesterday I woke early for some unknown reason to go and see what a Hongcheon Morning is like.. at 7am I looked through my window a thick white blanket of fog. It wasn't until 10am that the mist cleared and I was able to take some happy snaps! Here they are..
This fellow had just stepped out of his house with his pudgy little dog when I turned around and took this shot.. As you can tell, the leaves are really starting to turn..
I'll try to get a better shot of Autumn leaves.. but for now..
10:00am Thursday 9th October 2008 dawned like this..

I'd love to live here! It just looks soo peaceful! And you'd wake up as though you were above the clouds themselves!!
Here you go Momma, you wanted a picture of me.. :-)
Other than that, today is my last full day of teaching at the Hagwon. I've agreed to come back from 8pm-9pm next Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the adult classes.. but after that... Greener Pastures! :D
I don't think Fui will ike that pic. All we can see is a camera wearing your hair!
How'd your interview go??
Luv yah!
hehe yeah thats the point! :P
Interview went great, its a little complicated though.. tell you more later!
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