So i left you after Sunday night. Well that night i slept like a baby! Then on Monday i didn't do too much except recover from being so sore!
Yesterday (Tuesday) i tried this new dish called Saengsun Hwe which is a famous dish here, with raw tuna in it.. it was an experience! I don't really like fish at the best of times so no surprises that i wasnt too fussed about this dish too. After that for lunch, i went exploring the city more, but this time i went to the Indoor markets which are pretty damn big! I bought my first Pot for making Indian style tea in.. and the shop owner gave me a strainer for free! So then i went home after work and tried to sleep but couldnt. I watched What Happens in Vegas, thanks to Youngdong for d/l'ing it for me.. but still couldnt sleep so i got up and Youngdong suggested that we go downtown for a drink at this bar he knows. "Its 1am on Wednesday morning, are you sure it'll be open?".. sure enough it was open!
So at this bar on the second level of a building with Christmas lights all over the place, we drank a few beers (and Jay came along too), and of course there was the Anju which, this time they ordered Sea snails! Yaay. So i tried some of that, and it wasn't too bad.. but i did kinda stay away from it, and had more of the vege's instead..
And then todays dawned and i woke at about 10am after getting home at 3am and watching some Vampire movie after that. Then Youngdong made a speciality dish of his called Kung na Mul Bap, which is bean shoots and rice in a pressure cooker and then a sauce and kimchi stuff that goes with it. And thats about all..
Tonight we're going out for a few beers with the group, and hopefully we can make some plans for the long weekend coming. It's Korean Thanks-giving.. that should be fun :)
PS: I saw this on one of my explorations, i thought it was pretty funny..

haha it was only like.. 2 days ago that shahil told me that an annonymous comment option was available!! haha i was like.. OOHHH! hahahaha
hmm... how are you?? good to see your sleeping well!!! korea seems beautiful kraze :)
glad to see your having fun - and i lovee ur blog :) xx
jus testing out this new thing they call commenting hehehe
Lol! so what's the alchohol content in all the local beer's because you're giving it a fair crack by the soudns of things!
Youngdong seems like a genuinely good guy ... and a semi-alcho as well.
I echo the bloody awesome blog you've got makes me feel like i'm right there as well. Some beautiful scenery around the place.
It seems like you have the city on one side and mountain/forest on the other
haha Thanks guys! Minxy, i really am getting to like this place.. i mean its not Australia but hell its soo totally different in all the right ways!
Surya man, local beer content is only around 4-5% so its what we call light-ish.. I think its better than drinking Soju which i've heard is really bad for your stomach! Youngdong is ok. A little filthy perhaps..
Oh and about the city/mountains on one side or another.. think of it rather as a spread out city situated in the valley of all these mountains.. It really is a stunning place man! I cant wait till someone comes over so i can show them around!! I'll try and get for you a pic of the whole place.. i'm thinking of going photographing this weekend so i'll look for a place i can get the whole city..
morning kraze ;) hehe hope u arewell.
I miss you, keep smiling xox shoes...let's
Get some shoes hehe
ok stop being so social and write another blog entry would ya!
Yeah, I second it Shai. Looks like he has got the social bug !!!
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