Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
and up these stairs which deviated from the normal pathway..
As i went up and up and up, i thought there must be something at the end.. otherwise they wouldnt have gone through all the trouble of making these steps. So i kept going.. andwhat I found at the top of the stairs was this clearing.. well sort of a clearing. Here, a picture paints a thousand words:
It reminded me a lot of a rainforest in New Zealand for some reason. Ok so then I was faced with: left or right? Keeping with today's theme (path less travelled), I decided to go right. Which led UP..
and up..
Until I finally came to a cross road.. which way? Left or right? I decided right, since it looked like people hardly went up that way.. Oh and it was darker and spookier! :)
Again, it led up and up and up, until I came to a burial site..
I dont know why yet, but where ever I've been exploring, there have been burial sites in high places. I think they want their loved ones to have a view.. Or at least be closer to heaven and not have to travel so far.. Oh by-the-way, this is the view from the burial site:
I couldnt believe how high up I had come! To put things into perspective for you.. remember that photo i said "I come here to sit", and remember the view I had from there of mountains? Well this is where I went to sit.. alll the wayyy dowwwwwwn theerrrre... (in that little clearing in the centre of the pic):
So then I thought I'd keep going, but I came to (and nearly ran into) a huge spider web with a spider in the middle of it! I took that as a 'sign' that I'd come far enough, and it was time to go back and take the left fork in the road.. So down the hill I went..
and down...
and down, until i came to a crop of something.. and I looked down the right hand side and saw this cosy little resting place. I think it's the farmers resting place. But anyway, this is what I found..
And you would not believe it, but someone had tapped into some water from inside the mountain and ran a pipe with constantly running, crystal clear, icy cold water! There's no plumbing this high up, so I knew it was straight from the mountain. They were even nice enough to leave a glass there for travellers.. and whatever overflowed just ran down into his crops..
And this was the view from the resting place:
So like I said, this pathway ran along side a farm, and there I saw the greenest of green Rice Paddys!
So then I ended up back in civilisation.. but I had no idea where! I thought I knew which way I had come.. so I made for that general direction. I kept going right.. and then right again until I saw a building I thought I remembered.. I headed towards it and 10 minutes later I was back home! Oh and for Becca, I saw this along the way back home.. they have sunflowers here too :D
So in the end, what had taken me about an hour and half through wilderness and jungle, had really exited about 10mins down the road from where I live! There were so many other routes I could've taken, but I'll have to leave those for another day I think..
Ok well, that's all from me for now. Oh one last thing, a few people have been asking for bigger pics because the ones on this blog arent so big. I think all you need to do is click on the pictures and it should take you to a bigger copy of it!
Ok bye for now!
1 comment:
Bhaiya! I studied that poem in yr 12...hehehehe... loved it... the scenery is soooo beautiful and peaceful!
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