Ok so its been a week of my being here! I just got a matress today, so I don't have to sleep on the floor anymore.. well not really, but still on the floor! There's still no hot water, but they're working on it! Hopefully I get it before winter.. Still have Fall to witness first! :D
So over the past week I have been looking for things to make me a bit more comfortable here, I went to Dunkin Donuts and had a doughnut.. not really my thing though.. but while there look what i found!! I was sooooo suprised!

If you can't read what that says, it reads White Choco Mocha!! YAAY! They had my drink! Though I tried it and it just wasn't the same.. so today I went back and asked for half-strength on the coffee.. it got better, but they still put chocolate on it! So I asked them to write down for me what I had just ordered (in Korean) and so next time all I have to do is give them the paper!
I've also been exploring the mountains behind my apartment.. I found this memorial to Korean Independence from Japan, and thought I'd take a picture for you guys:
Thats about ten minutes walk from my place.. they also have a tennis court up there, a basketball court, and I think badminton too. Oh and bridges I think they call it.. the one where the oldies like to play with the sledge hammer looking things and they hit a ball on the ground and try to get it through little horse-shoe type thingos..
So yesterday (18th August), it was the last class of the day, and that's when the little ones come in.. There're about 8 of them all ranging from ages 6-10.. Just before the class began I had some time so I started playing with the little ones a bit. Everytime they'd come near me I'd be looking elsewhere and as soon as they got close enough I'd try to tickle them! They'd all scream on the top of their lungs and run away down te hall. Two seconds later they'd be back.. and I'd be pretending not to notice them there.. until one of them tried to tickle me.. then I'd turn around and (in a not so loud but loud enough voice) go ARRRGH! They'd all run like mad and start laughing once they were in the clear. Then they'd come back for more..
Once they had me cornered, and so I yelled arrrgh and ran at them! They all scattered and ran away muahahahahahaahaaa!! Anyway then their class began.. I can't get through to the little ones until they have some basic understanding of English so another teacher was teaching them. That's when they started the chant.. I can't remember what it was exactly but it was 4 or 5 Korean words that formed a rhyme.. and they'd say it softly.. trying to tease me or taunt me.. The other teacher (whose been here seven years) deciphered what they were saying, and that is how I got my nickname.. accurately translated: "Carnivorous Dinosaur". But then when the day was out they'd come up to me (keeping their distance) and with a big smile say 'ByeBye Carniverous Dinosaur' or 'see you later'!! Hehehe poor little stoopidheads..
Oh yes, I got slashed by some poisen Ivy as I was moving to the side of a road to let a car pass.. I didnt know what it was, but by the time I got home it had swelled up HUGE, and I saw that it broke the skin.. so I went into my bag and found some Alcohol Swipes (thanks soo much to Chook), and wiped it.. It started going down then. Then Google'd poisen ivy an saw that it's the same thing as what got me! Anyways, battle scar:

Yes, I realise that now it just looks like a tiny scratch..
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