I'm glad I took my camera to work again yesterday, I got heaps of pictures! The day started off quite normally, the usually stuff like teaching the alphabet and phonics to little ones like this:
And for 2 hours we all sang! The girls ofcourse sang korean pop songs.. But I made it a condition of entry that everyone had to sing at least one song! So the Korean teacher who was with me (Mrs Kim) also had to sing! She sang Whitney Houston I think, and another Korean song! Oh here she is btw:
And then Thomas, the 60 year old Yankee teacher decided to join us! I told him about the condition, and he wasn't keen. So I gave him the folder full of songs and told him to choose at least one, and I'd even sing it with him if he wanted. He chose Hold Me Tender. And after that, it was as if we couldn't stop him! He sang three more songs after that, including Sunny, and Michelle by the Beatles and another one I cant remember. Here he is in his element:
Oh and of course the girls hated photos.. nothing like back home. In fact I think it's the total opposite of back home where most people love taking their own photos (not to mention any names hana cubs?) Here they are, from left to right we have, Susie, Sandy, SomeoneICantRemember, and Amanda. Oh that's another thing, when they're in the Hagwon, they must have English Names. Some of them don't, so its up to me to give it to them. So far I've named Harry, Joshua, a few others who I cant remember right now. Oh and two gorgeous little girls I named Isabelle and Gabrielle. I think I can get the hang of this naming thing! :D
Then I decided to walk home, while Jay dropped all the girls at home. It was about 9:30pm. I was walking home and thought I'd take a picture of this (it's the closest thing to anything Indian for miles around!):
Then I thought I deserved a drink.. so I strolled over to Dunkin Donuts and ordered my usual. White Choco Mocha, half strength on the coffee, no froth/cream/chocolate on top. Here it is, and this is what it looks like when written in Korean. I asked one of them to write it down for me last time, and I just pull out the paper and give it to them.
Ok well it's time to go get some groceries, I think I'll make some pasta today before work so I need some vege's. Bye for now!
PS: I sang Gangster's Paradise by Coolio and Piano Man by Billy Joel!
That Indian place----- is it for real?
What do they sell?
they sell clothes.. and nothing else! I dont even think its a brand, just the name of the place to bring in the crowd.
The big man busting out some rhymes...bloody beautiful.
Did you permanantely damage those poor kids hearing?
Glad to see you getting into it mate.
What's safety etc like walking around the streets at night-time....
also, dropping kids of at 9:30 at night? their parents are pretty relaxed no?
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