Sunny, bright blue skies.
I remember just before I left Queensland in August, we were in a severe drought and water restrictions had hit an all time high of Level Six. Which meant No hoses, no washing the car, 4-minute showers, and a whole heaps of other things too various to mention. When I came to Korea I became a little freer with the whole conserve water thing.. I figured there’s plenty to go around here so what’s the point. How wrong I was.
See this morning I got into school and was shocked to find that the school had run out of water. In fact all of Gurae had run out of water. How could this be? Well simply put, the mountain we tap our water from froze up and stopped giving. This was ok for me since just that morning I had had a warm shower and brushed my teeth properly. We went to dinner tonight, I offered my shower for W5,000 per 5minutes, but it didn’t fly. Just my luck that I come home and find that my water is all used up too. I have no idea how I’m going to do anything tomorrow. I can just imagine myself digging a hole in the snow upon the nearest mountain and putting a Lavatory sign next to it – M*A*S*H Style! But not to fear, we've been told that the government is onto it..
So whatever shall I do? I think I have no option but to take the following precautions:
~ Don’t walk anywhere just in case I work up a sweat (oh well there goes that New Years resolution).
~ Buy all the bottled water from our little supermarket.. ok that’s a little selfish, maybe I’ll leave a bottle or two for the rest of the village. Actually they’re probably gone already.
~ Urinate in the snow.. I’ve already thought of how much fun I can have doing this (see attached picture)! Number Two.. well that’s a little more complicated.
~ Eat out every meal (oh darn) since I can’t wash anything up.. oh and you all know how I just can’t stand a dirty house.
The best part is that I got home and the first thing I did was fill my kettle to the brim, so I have 2-3 cups of tea left before that runs out too. After that runs out I’ll have no other choice but to drink beer and hope its nutritional goodness supplements me.
Anyway, moving along. Pavich and Shelly are supposed to be coming this weekend. As in, two days from now!! I haven’t heard a thing from them though! Hopefully I hear from them soon and so I can get outta here and have a proper shower in Seoul or Incheon somewhere!
Nothing much else to report, so I’ll leave you here for now.

If all else fails, fill a bucket of snow and put it on the stove.
You'll have water, water everywhere .....
Oh yeah!! ...as for the showers, become a POM temporarily - a shower a month on average will suffice. Hehe
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