My dad (aka Taji) landed in Incheon airport at 04:45am yesterday. We got home around 8:30pm after a little kip and three busses; he was buggered! Though, it would seem he was not quite buggered enough.. HE asked for Soju! Here I am, the biggest soju pusher in all of Yeongwol, and now I finally realise where I got it all from! He just wanted to taste it at first.. but three bottles later we were rightly pissed and about to collapse! Though he loved the stuff; I woke him up this morning to tell him I’m off to work, and the first thing he says is: “Shit, I’m still drunk!”. Hahaha!
He made me some tinned mutton Fiji style and also brought over three packs of roti! I downed four roti’s while drinking the soju and then went to bed content and stuffed! I have a feeling that Taji will fit right in here.. the only obstacle to overcome is the chopsticks.. and then of course the chopsticks while drunk.. other than that everything will work out perfectly!

Just a quick comment on something that just happened at lunch today. We sat there in the cafeteria eating our food when suddenly the Principle made a gagging sort of sound, only ever so softly, and then started to cough like he was choking on something and it needed to come out. I looked up, but not at him; I found myself making sure to avoid his gaze, and I looked at all the other teachers and they were all very suddenly interested in their food. I thought about what had happened on the way back to the staffroom and figured it out. Where in western society we'd ask if he was ok, or go and get him some water, here they pretend like its not happening. I concluded that to see the Principle (a man of high authority) in a moment of weakness is not something we should ever do. See, he would lose face in front of his staff is anyone were to ask him if he was ok. Its a little difficult to explain exactly what I mean; but I think this is the closest I can bother going into it at the moment.
I hope everything at home is good and everyone't taking care!
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